Roll a Jack O’ Lantern Halloween Playdough Game for Kids (Free Printable)

Combine playdough and our free printable Roll a Jack O’ Lantern pumpkin mat to play and learn math with the kids this Halloween season. While…


Combine playdough and our free printable Roll a Jack O’ Lantern pumpkin mat to play and learn math with the kids this Halloween season. While the kids are having fun they are learning shapes, numbers, counting, and creativity!

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Make sure to check out all the Pumpkin Activities at the bottom of this post created by the Creative Preschool Team. You may also enjoy the teams Corn Activities that are perfect for fall!

Roll a Jack O’ Lantern Game

Pin me please! 🙂

Playdough (We made our Favorite Playdough Recipe and added black food coloring and black paint)
Pumpkin Game Printable (available to download for free at the end of this post)
Mini Shapes Cookie Cutters (affiliate link) (If you don’t have any your kiddo could use scissors or a plastic knife to cut out shapes)

1.  On a paper write 3-4 shapes in a line that you have cookie cutters for.
2.  Have child roll dice, write the number next to the first shape, and make that many shapes out of playdough. Continue until all the shapes have been made.

3.  Have child use shapes to create a jack-o-lantern. Play and Repeat :).

It was fun watching my daughter use her shapes to create faces–kids are so creative!


You may also enjoy our Free Turkey Feather Playdough Counting Game for Thanksgiving or our Free Fall Printable Activity Pack.

I included a second playdough mat that is for kids who just want to create.


Pumpkin Activities by The Creative Preschool Team:

Upper & Lowercase Alphabet Puzzles


Have a great day! Love, Katie & the Kiddos

Get the Printable Here:

Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be directed to the download. Please share and pin our printable ? 


  1. Oh, I love how you can combine creative play along with math . You can use it several ways great idea!

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