The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids

With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough to hold baby gruff,…


With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough to hold baby gruff, middle gruff, and of course big gruff. This is a fun hands on activity to enjoy after story time with your preschooler or kindergartner. I have a free printable for you so all you have to do is print and play with the kids.

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)

While you are here check out all our Book Inspired Activities Here.

Suggested Books:

Click photos: Affiliate links to more information on these books we love!

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (My First Fairy Tales)The Three Billy Goats Gruff (My First Fairy Tales)The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Paul Galdone Classics)The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Paul Galdone Classics)Three Billy Goats FluffThree Billy Goats FluffThree Billy Goats Gruff (Flip-Up Fairy Tales)Three Billy Goats Gruff (Flip-Up Fairy Tales)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEM Bridge Building Activity

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)


LEGO DUPLO Blocks-affiliate link to more product info

Brown Paper-affiliate link to more product info



Click photos: Affiliate links to more information on these suggested products!

LEGO 6176 DUPLO Basic Bricks Deluxe (80 Pcs.)LEGO 6176 DUPLO Basic Bricks Deluxe (80 Pcs.)Pacon Tru-Ray Construction Paper, 9-Inches by 12-Inches, 50-Count, Warm Brown (103025)Pacon Tru-Ray Construction Paper, 9-Inches by 12-Inches, 50-Count, Warm Brown (103025)Fiskars 6 Inch Softgrip Big Kids Scissors, Color Received May VaryFiskars 6 Inch Softgrip Big Kids Scissors, Color Received May VaryScotch Magic Tape 3105, 3/4 x 300 Inches, Pack of 3Scotch Magic Tape 3105, 3/4 x 300 Inches, Pack of 3Click N' Play Lego/DUPLO Compatible Double Sided Silicone Baseplate MatClick N’ Play Lego/DUPLO Compatible Double Sided Silicone Baseplate Mat


To set up the activity cut out the goats. Build 3 block stacks  (small, medium, and large) and tape each goat onto the stack that matches its size. You or your kiddo can do this.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)

Build bridges using the blocks and paper. We built two pillars using the blocks and then set the paper on top for the goats to walk across. We ended up cutting our paper in half (hot-dog style).

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)

The kids were able to use a stack of paper to make the bridge strong enough for baby gruff to walk across but for middle gruff and big gruff the kids had to figure out a different way to build their bridge. We started folding the paper which gave it strength to withstand the pressure from the blocks so middle gruff and big gruff could be saved from the nasty mean troll–Yay!!!

The duplo blocks worked really well because the bumps held the folded paper in place.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)

This activity was inspired by the 28 Days of STEAM series by Anne at Left Brain Craft Brain.

She has collected 60+ amazing ideas so be sure to stop by her blog to be inspired by even more STEAM activities!

Make a simple braille slate and stylus- inspired by Six Dots: A Story of Young Louis Braille)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)

Download The Printable Here:

Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be taken to the download. Check out all our PRINTABLES HERE.



  1. Thank you this is a great activity to send home for distance learning!

  2. Love you activity idea! Would love to try this out with my preschool students.

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