The Parts Of An Apple Color, Read, and Learn Free Printable Book

Kids can learn about the anatomy of an apple while coloring, assembling, and reading their own Parts Of An Apple Book-yay for science and language…


Kids can learn about the anatomy of an apple while coloring, assembling, and reading their own Parts Of An Apple Book-yay for science and language activities! It uses repetition for beginning readers and the words appear to be on lined paper so kids can start getting used to spacing for beginning writers.  This printable book would go perfect with our A is for Apple Activities!

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We haven’t done this activity yet because we are still setting up our home classroom and haven’t officially started the year, but I wanted to make sure to share it in case you were already starting your apple unit. Before we make our book I plan on brainstorming with the kids any words that come to mind regarding apples and write them on the board. Then we will dissect an apple and discuss the parts, there will also probably be eating involved. After that we will color our book and read together–one of my favorite pastimes :).

Update: We read  Apples (affiliatie link) by Gail Gibbons to go with this activity. The book is simple to understand with complimentary pictures that explains parts of an apple, how apples grow, and some history about apples.

The Parts Of An Apple Free Printable Book

Pin me please! 🙂
The Parts Of An Apple Printable (available for download at the end of this post)
Markers or crayons (red, green, yellow, brown)

1.  Cut out the pages of the book. Kids can do the cutting or you can use scissors or a paper cutter.

2.  Staple book together.

3. Read each page, identify the apple part in the sentence, underline the word with marker and have child color the part. Only one part should be colored on each page. (“This is the stem of an apple” child should only color the stem on that page)

The large page you see in the photos is not included in the printable. It was just used for demonstration purposes during this tutorial.


Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be directed to the download. Please share and pin our printable ?

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  1. Thank you for everything you have posted and made available to us!!!!! You’re making this kinder teacher’s life so much easier!!!

  2. I love your activities! And the printable is so cute! I featured your post in our Learn & Play Link Up! Thank you for sharing and hope to see you there again next week.

    1. Hi Jae, Thanks so much I am thrilled to know you love them and really appreciate the feature!!!

  3. I'm coming to your blog from the Learn and Play Link-up! I'm really excited about the printable book and will be using it this fall for my kids. Please make more like this! I'll be featuring your blog post on my blog: I'm hoping to get my "science notebook for a preschool science girl" post done by the end of the month. Please stop by my blog when you have a chance.

    1. Hi Missy,
      I love all your classroom ideas and thanks for including our apple book in your list of science resources!

  4. My kids enjoy every Apple craft and activity I throw their way. Not only they are great about eating apples by the boxes, but we also have three apple trees in our backyard that they tended from an early age. We will be giving your book a try this weekend!

    1. My kids are all about apples too! I hope your kiddos enjoyed the book 🙂 Thanks so much for the directory info, I added my blog to the list and am excited to check out everyone else!

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