Goldilocks and the Three Bears Activities: Free Printables

Grab these FREE and FUN printable Goldilocks and the Three Bears Activities that your kiddo can enjoy during story time!Thank you for visiting. This post…


Grab these FREE and FUN printable Goldilocks and the Three Bears Activities that your kiddo can enjoy during story time!

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Children can take a closer look into the world of the classic fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with our free printable activities. The 13 page printable set includes worksheets for pre-writing, letters and numbers, sorting, and more!

If you are like me, then you love reading books and pairing them with a matching activity so be sure to check out the rest of our Book Themed Ideas Here and more bear themed fun like this Hibernating Bear Craft, a bear activity, and this Brown Bear Printable Activity Pack.

Children can take a closer look into the classic fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with our free printable activities. The 13 page printable set includes pages for pre-writing, letters and number, sorting, and more!



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I added the printables into our week of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Other activities we did was recreate the story with our stuffed animals, eat some porridge (cream of wheat), and compare and contrast several versions of the story. We also talked about the difference between fiction and non-fiction stories.

Children can take a closer look into the classic fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with our free printable activities. The 13 page printable set includes pages for pre-writing, letters and number, sorting, and more!


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Sprogs Felt Storyboards with Storage Bag, 3 Little Pigs, Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood, SPG-ENA1021-SOSprogs Felt Storyboards with Storage Bag, 3 Little Pigs, Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood, SPG-ENA1021-SOGoldilocks and the Three Bears Dollhouse with Furniture, Dolls, Accessories and StorybookGoldilocks and the Three Bears Dollhouse with Furniture, Dolls, Accessories and StorybookDovewill 5pcs/Set Goldilocks and Three Bears Storytelling Finger Puppets kids plush toys Nursery Rhyme/Fairy TaleDovewill 5pcs/Set Goldilocks and Three Bears Storytelling Finger Puppets kids plush toys Nursery Rhyme/Fairy TaleGoldilocks and the Three Bears Felt Board StoryGoldilocks and the Three Bears Felt Board StoryConstructive Playthings SVL-463 Goldilocks & 3 Bears Storytelling Hand Puppets, Grade: Kindergarten to 3, Age: 9Constructive Playthings SVL-463 Goldilocks & 3 Bears Storytelling Hand Puppets, Grade: Kindergarten to 3, Age: 9Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Storytelling Foam Play MasksGoldilocks and the Three Bears – Storytelling Foam Play Masks


Children can take a closer look into the classic fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with our free printable activities. The 13 page printable set includes pages for pre-writing, letters and number, sorting, and more!

Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be directed to the download.


(Posted 9/17/2017, Updated 8/4/2022)


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