Picking up leaves and putting them in a basket is a fall activity my kids never tire of so we brought the fun inside and with the addition of our free printable, we managed to make a Math game out of leaf collecting!
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To start I painted a tree on a large piece of paper and stuck it to the wall with Scotch Restickable Dots (affiliaite link). I covered the top part of the tree with clear contact paper sticky side out so the leaves can stick to it. We used Felt Leaves (affiliate link) to stick to the wall and small buttons as counters for our table activities. Not all of the activities need a tree, so if you aren’t feeling up to adding one on your wall you can still use the printables in other ways. One way we still need to use them for is counting real leaves that we have collected in the yard.
Fall Leaf Math Activities
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I had the kids pick a numbered leaf basket, name the number and then pick that many leaves off the tree and put them in their buckets. Once all the leaves were off the tree we did the activity again, but this time they put the leaves back on the tree. Eventually Little Dragon got tired of counting and we ended up with all the leaves off the tree, then we had a leaf party with leaves flying through the air.
After their buckets were full, the kids dumped out their leaves and sorted them by color. You can also have kids pick the leaves off the trees by color (pick all the red leaves) or place them back on the tree by color (“make a red tree”).
I made a math sentence by placing two of the numbered leaf baskets on the activity tray (for example: 2+4=), and then had Little Tiger count out buttons and place them on each number. Finally, she added the buttons together to find the answer. (I had planned on finding some Small Leaf Buttons (affiliatie link) for this activity but I didn’t plan enough to order some and I didn’t find any at the store).
Greater Than and Less Than:
I used one of the blank circles to write a greater than and less than sign on it with teeth then placed two numbered leaf baskets on the activity tray and had Little Tiger move the sign to “eat” the largest number.
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I love all these great ideas! Can't wait to share with my readers! 🙂
I love your tree and leaf activities – so cute!