Tips Every Parent Needs to Know About Oral Hygiene-National Brush Day $100 Giveaway

When I had the opportunity to join in “National Brush Day” I was thrilled because oral health is a big concern in our house, especially…

When I had the opportunity to join in “National Brush Day” I was thrilled because oral health is a big concern in our house, especially after we received an estimate for $2,500 for Ms. Tiger’s teeth. Eeek! If you haven’t heard about National Brush Day, it is celebrated on November 1st, the day after kids collect tons of Halloween candy that could rot their teeth out. Join us this year in the celebration and enter a $100 giveaway because winning money is always fun! Think of all the toothbrushes you could buy :). 
My Tips for Good Oral Hygiene:

Brush Right

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  • Make sure to brush for 2 minutes 2 times a day. Here are some great 2 minute videos by 2Min2X to keep the kids entertained while brushing. There are also toothbrushes that have music, lights, or timers that can help make brushing even more fun. 
  • Remember to get along the gums. This is where Ms. Tiger had her worst problems. What happened is when she would open her mouth, her lips where pressed tight against her gums (like when you smile). Now we have her make a small “O” with her mouth, so her lips are relaxed so we can get to her gums better. 

Start Young

  • When teeth start popping out, start brushing because those little teeth need protecting. 
  • Make sure to see the dentist in the 1st year of life. If you don’t have dental insurance for your baby, dentists often run promotions for a free checkup for new patients, check mailers and local ads. Ms. Tiger didn’t see the dentist until she was 3-horrible I know I am so embarrassed. Now I know where we went wrong. So learn from our mistake and find a dentist!
  • When 2 teeth touch, start flossing. We use little kid floss sticks that Ms. Tiger loves. The sticks are easier to use then string floss, and they are kid sized so they fit in her mouth easily.


  • Fluoride is a tooth defender. It helps developing teeth grow stronger, and helps protect tooth enamel on current teeth. When the kids where young we received a prescription for fluoride drops from their doctor. Ask your doctor what they recommend for your kids. It’s really cheap, and can help avoid thousands of dollars of dentist bills. 

Visit for more helpful tips!!!

    Parents are in charge of managing good oral hygiene for their kids. Remember to make it a priority! Here are some fun things parents can do:   
    • Take the 2min2x Text Challenge with your kids! 75% of kids forget to brush their teeth. Take the brushing challenge to make sure your kids are always in the healthy 25%. You’ll get 2 texts per day for 5 days, plus occasional tips and fun facts afterward. Sign up to see if YOUR family can beat the challenge
    • Make brushing fun with the free Toothsavers App. I love free educational apps. This one is easy to play and teaches good brushing tips during the game.
    • For all you creative parents, create your own video showing how difficult it is to teach a child something if a parent only had two minutes. Enter it into the #BrushRules video contest for a chance to win $20,000.

    Giveaway Details for $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway:

    In honor of National Brush Day (, Untrained Housewife and fellow bloggers like myself, are hosting a giveaway to help parents teach their children all those daily tasks that are so important to health and well-being. One lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card just in time for the holidays. The giveaway starts on October 27, 2014 and will end 11:59pm on November 3, 2014. Open to US residents, 18 and older only and void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary – chances of winning depend on number of entries received. Good Luck, I hope you win!!! 

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Have a Happy National Brush Day!!!  Thanks for joining us today! Love-Katie & the Kiddos


    1. There is nothing more important than oral hygiene, many people dont know it can actually effect your heart. I shared your article on G+. Thanks for stopping y to share your post. Would love for you to stop by and share on Friday Feature Linky party still in progress.

      Have a great week!

      1. I had no idea that oral hygiene and the heart are related. Thanks for the info and the share!

    2. We learned that lesson with our two year old too. He hated having his molars brushed and would always bite the toothbrush. Now my little has his first two teeth and his own toothbrush 😉 Thanks for the tips

      1. Hi Amanda, Thanks for visiting! We are doing so much better with our second kiddo too. Isn't the oldest child supposed to be the experiment, lol 🙂

      1. Hi Shani, Smart move! If only I could go back in time, I would have taken my daughter earlier.

    3. Hi Heather, It's an easy thing to forget 🙂 My son loves to brush his teeth all the time– like anytime he sees a toothbrush, lol. My daughter isn't as enthusiastic and needs reminders.

    4. Hi Rose-Marie, that is so true 🙂 ! We let the kids brush, and then we give them a good brush-over so we know all spots have been reached.

    5. Practice makes perfect, and also keeping an eye on them, not every time, but often, so you can help them improve and then maintain, too.

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