Monster Puppet Craft that Will Make the Kids Laugh

I wish we had thought of this craft earlier because we have all loved playing together with our Silly Monster Puppets. Each of my family members…


I wish we had thought of this craft earlier because we have all loved playing together with our Silly Monster Puppets. Each of my family members (toddler to adult) has had a turn putting words, stories, and life into our puppets with some great imaginary play. I especially love hearing my Hubs entertain my kiddos; aren’t daddies the best at being silly!?! We have definitely gotten our money out of these puppets because they are created with things I found in the dollar store. Awesome!!! Here is how you do it:

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Supplies: (all purchased from the Dollar Tree)
Chiffon duster
Pipe cleaners
Puff balls
Safety pins
Googly eyes
Foam sheets (optional)
Glue gun & glue sticks (I already had this)

1.  Safety pin 3 safety pins to the back of the duster

We used safety pins so Ms. Tiger could decorate it on her own instead
of me hot gluing things on while she watched
2.  Use your hot glue gun to glue eye balls onto the front of the duster. I let Ms. Tiger pick out where she wanted her eyeballs, and then glued them on for her. I also suggest gluing some puff balls onto one end of your pipe cleaners. That way you don’t have to do it while your kiddo is trying to create. Ms. Tiger had to practice patience as I quickly glued puff balls on for her. 
Optional: Cut some wings out of your foam and glue it on the back of the duster.
3.  Let kiddos thread pipe cleaners through the safety pins and twist them around to secure them on. At first they kept falling down instead of poking out to the side. Once we got plenty on, we were able to twist the pipe cleaners together and place them where we wanted them. They do bounce around, but that is part of what makes the monster so silly! 
Check out the concentration, and some great hand-eye coordination.
The back of our monster is stuffed full. (We removed the foam popsicle
sticks in the final project because they were not necessary)
Optional: Use a pen or pencil to curl the pipe cleaners
“Hi silly monster, are you my friend?….Ahhh don’t eat me…”
Oh the stories she comes up with, what a little imagination… 
she keeps me laughing for sure :).

What does your Silly Monster Puppet say? Run and make your own Silly Monster Puppets
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Have a great day! 

Love, Katie & the Kiddos   


  1. This is such a cute and simple idea to make monster puppets. I love this! Thanks for linking up at Mom's Library last week. I am featuring this cute monster craft at Pounds4Pennies this week. Stop by to link up this week. I would love to see you there.

    1. Hi Amy, thanks for visiting! I am so glad you love our Monster Puppets. I was so excited when we were creating these because they came together so easily. Thank you very much for featuring our Monster Puppets on Pounds4Pennies, I am a follower and am thrilled to be included with all the other great ideas you share!

  2. These are very, very cute! You'd never guess they were so inexpensive to make. I think kids would be delighted with the bright colors and all the fun of making their puppets act out original stories. Very clever!

    1. Hi J,
      Thank you! I'm so glad you took the time to think about our silly monsters. I totally agree with you and have seen first hand all that you said with my kids.

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