Ocean Animal Phonics Activity: FREE Printable Clip Cards

Kids will have fun learning beginning letter sounds with these free printable ocean-themed clip cards. Perfect for an easy preschool and kindergarten phonics activity. I…

Kids will have fun learning beginning letter sounds with these free printable ocean-themed clip cards. Perfect for an easy preschool and kindergarten phonics activity.

I made our first set of printable clip cards and they were such a success that I am sharing them with you within 24 hours of the kids using them today. We are currently learning about the Ocean so this first set has adorable sea animals like a whale, turtle, seahorse, starfish, and more!

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See more: Fish and Ocean Activities

I made a spot for kids to clip the first letter of each animal as well as space for them to write the letter to complete the word. My goal when I make resources is to make them multifunctional so that way they can be used multiple times! You may also like our Free Reader Who Lives in the Ocean Book.

Ocean Animal Free Printable Clip Cards for First Letter Recognition and Writing (preschool, kindergarten, summer, language arts)

Little Tiger (age 4, preschooler) went through the cards fairly easily. I made a card with D and B on it to be a little tricky. She is still working on differentiating between the two. I also called the starfish a starfish and not a sea star because having two words that both start with S may have been confusing. Also, you may have noticed in the pictures that originally we had a S-arfish, and not a S-tarfish. That has been corrected– although I kinda like Sarfish :).

When we did the writing portion of this activity Little Tiger was so excited that before I gave her instructions she was writing the first letter on the card in the space even if it wasn’t the correct letter. I read the words that she had created (“jrab) out loud, and she thought they were so funny!

To help her remember to identify the correct letter first, I had her put a dot next to the letter and then write it on the space.

Ocean Animal Phonics Activity: Printable Clip Cards

Ocean Animal Free Printable Clip Cards for First Letter Recognition and Writing (preschool, kindergarten, summer, language arts)
The cards can be used to identify the first letter in each word and for writing practice. There is a space to write the first letter and to trace the remaining letters in the word. I laminated our cards so we can use them over and over again with a dry erase marker. (I suggest testing your dry erase marker on the back of your cards before writing on the front of them just to make sure it comes off. I also suggest wiping the cards clean as soon as the activity is over.)
Ocean Animal Printable Clip Cards (available to download at the end of this post)
Identifying the First Letter:
Have the child say the name of the animal, identify the first sound, identify what letter makes the sound, and clip the letter with a clothespin.
Writing the First Letter:
Writing on the card is easiest to do without the clothespins on the card. Have child identify the first letter of the word and then write it on the space provided.


Ocean Animal Free Printable Clip Cards for First Letter Recognition and Writing (preschool, kindergarten, summer, language arts)


Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be directed to the download. Please share and pin our printable ? 


One comment

  1. I love the ocean theme! I can think of a lot of things to do with this theme. thanks for the printables!

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