Make an Owl Craft with texture and details following our step-by-step directions and supply list including cupcake liners, scissors, & glue.
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We have been studying Nocturnal Animals and enjoying Fall Activities so naturally, owls have been on our mind so we headed to the craft closet, grabbed some cupcake liners, and came up with a cute little owl to hang on our wall. Kids can easily make this craft which requires minimal scissor cuts since cupcake liners are circular–just the perfect shape! Cupcake liners come in several different colors and patterns so kids can choose exactly how they want their owl to look.
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Owl Craft
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Standard Size Cupcake Liners-affiliate link (See more Cupcake Liner Crafts Here)
Orange, Brown, and Black Craft Paper
Brown pen
Have your child cut a branch out of the brown paper or cut a branch for them depending on their ability.
Then cut out a crescent shape from a yellow standard sized cupcake liner or piece of yellow paper.
Have your child glue the branch to a black piece of paper. Then glue a standard-sized cupcake liner right above their branch. Next, have your child glue the cupcake liner with the crescent shape cut-out opening to the top of the page (like it’s going to catch water) to make the owl’s head.
Have your child open up a mini cupcake liner and draw ruffled feathers on it. Have your child glue it to the bottom cupcake liner. Now glue two mini cupcake liners to the head to make the owl’s eyes.
Have your child glue the googly eyes onto the mini cupcake liners. Then cut out a small orange triangle and glue it to the owl’s face. Have your child glue the crescent shape to the paper to make the moon.
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See more: Craft Ideas
See more: Fall Activities
14 Creative things to do with Pumpkin Seeds
(Originally Posted 10/25/2016, Updated 8/12/2022)
Hi, I just love this owl and would like to do this with my grandsons class; we’re doing the world of birds and this would be so cute. I have questions; is the liner for the body glued down flat, almost to the edge or just in the center ( the smooth part)? It looks like it’s flat but it also looks like the edge is up off the black paper..
Thanks so much for the inspiration!