Adorable Cupcake Liner Balloon Craft for Kids

We made an adorable bunch of balloons with cupcake liners. We were talking about layers the other day and this craft was a perfect way…


We made an adorable bunch of balloons with cupcake liners. We were talking about layers the other day and this craft was a perfect way to demonstrate our discussion as well as brighten up our walls. There is nothing that the kids need to cut, so this craft is great for all ages and doesn’t take much time.

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Cupcake Liner Crafts are quickly becoming a favorite around our house because they are a ready made circles to craft with and come in all sorts of patterns and colors!

Before we started our craft I found a photo of balloons and used some foam circles that we arranged side by side and another pile on top of each other. We compared which group looked more like the picture and talked about making layers to make our balloons look more realistic.

Cupcake Liner Balloon Craft
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Cupcake Liners (Affiliate Link)
Craft paper


1.  Flatten out cupcake liners and glue them on the craft paper and set aside to dry. It’s okay if part of the cupcake liner is hanging off the paper.
2.  Cut the extra craft paper off from around the cupcake liners.
3.  Tape pieces of ribbon to the back of the balloons. Tie a bow around all the ribbon and curl ends.

More Craft Ideas:

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Have a great day! 
Love, Katie & the Kiddos


  1. This is so easy and adorable – I think it will make a perfect present for Peakles teacher! Thank you for joining in with #WeLoveWeekends last week. Your post has been featured via Peakle Pie on this week's We Love Weekends! Thank you again for sharing and hope to see you joining in again soon!

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