As kids count numbers 1-10 or 1-20 they can practice one-to-one correspondence, number recognition, and fine motor skills using stickers and this free printable activity that’s perfect for a winter day of learning (there are 4 different pages to choose from).
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Since the snow has fallen at our house and the snowballs have been flying (my kiddos love ganging up and getting mama with snowballs), we enjoyed some snow inspired math before heading outside into the cold. They loved being able to use stickers during this activity.
See all our Winter Activities Here like this FREE printable Build a Snowflake Shape Activity, Free Printable Winter 10 Frames, and Snowflake Symmetry Printable Activity.
The first day I printed out the 10-frames page with numbers 1-10 on blue paper and let Little Dragon (age 4) stick stickers in each box. He counted the stickers as he placed them. Sometimes it took a little work to get the sticker onto the page but he remembered where he was as he counted. If you wanted you could have the correct amount of stickers prepared for each rectangle to make sure kids placed the correct amount of stickers in each frame.
The second day I printed out the pages with numbers 1-20 on them. I had Little Dragon (age 6) trace the numbers, and then both of my kid’s put stickers on each dot.
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Counting Snowballs: Sticker Math Activity
Hole Reinforcement Stickers-affiliate link
Select the activity for your child and print it out on blue paper unless you selected the last activity with the blue rectangles (that page can be printed on white paper).
Have child use the stickers to add snowballs to their page as they count. Depending on your child’s age and skill level you can let them count by themselves or provide them with the correct amount of stickers for each activity.
Don’t see the box? CLICK HERE to be directed to the download. Please share and pin our printable While you are here, take a look at more of our Free Printables.