As kids enjoy The 12 Days of Christmas they can practice number recognition, counting, and subitizing while putting together our free printable number puzzles. Each puzzle (numbers 1-12) is two pieces including a number on one side with the matching group of items on the other. For example the number 1 is matched with a partridge and a pear tree, the number two is matched with two turtle doves, and so forth and so on (are you humming the song yet because I know I am :).
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12 Days of Christmas Free Printable Number Puzzles
Since children know the song well it can help them match the pictures and numbers. Little Dragon (age 3) likes to sing the song with me as he puts each puzzle together. To avoid frustration I sorted the numbers from the pictures and put each group on either side of him. First he would find the number (starting with number 1) and place it in the tray and then he would look for the matching group and place it in the other side of the tray. Some puzzle pieces he was able to tell how many items where on it without counting each item and others he would count one by one. Whichever way he wanted to do it was great!
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Thank you for sharing. Having fun activities that are based on objectives we have is a life saver this close to the holidays.
These are so cute! Pinning to share!
Hi Lisa, Thank you so much! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!