Magnets stick together, push apart, and move magically because of polarity, which makes them so fun to play with and perfect for a simple hands on learning STEAM activity! We can sit for hours exploring, creating, and problem solving with magnets. We added plastic lids to our magnet play. Lids are perfect to add to magnet play because they are thin enough that the magnets are able to stick to each other through the plastic. Lids also gave my little explorers a way to contain their round magnets which have a tendency to roll.
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Now that Little Dragon (toddler, age 2) doesn’t put things in his mouth, we are playing with magnets more and more. The other day I put magnets and plastic lids on the kid’s activity tray and it was amazing what they came up with to do. Little Dragon built it was fun watching him problem solve as he figured out how to match the positive and negative ends of the magnets. Little Tiger (preschooler, age 3) figured out how to get our round magnets to move around the lid without touching them. She used her imagination to name the designs the magnets made.
Plastic Lids
We have several different types of magnets and we love them all for different reasons. We used ball magnets (roll), circle magnets (build and move), stick magnets (build), magnet wands (control), and car magnets (vroom).
Put supplies out and let kids explore. It’s amazing all the cool and wonderful things they think of to do. You can even sit along side them and explore yourself.
More Fun with Magnets
More Science Activities
Have a great day!
Love, Katie & the Kiddos
Awesome idea to make kids entertained, thank you for sharing this amazing post.