Letter of the Week A-Z Series: B is for Butterfly Activities

Kids will learn the letter B, make a B is for butterfly craft, and have fun counting with butterflies during these activities that are perfect…


Kids will learn the letter B, make a B is for butterfly craft, and have fun counting with butterflies during these activities that are perfect to do at home or preschool!

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 We are back from spring break and excited to continue on our Letter of the Week activities with you. This week we are all about the letter “B”. Today we have our Letter B sight words free printable, a letter b craft, and a fine motor skill activity that my kids loved! So let’s get started…
LETTER OF THE WEEK A-Z SERIES: B is for Butterfly Craft and Activities including a free letter B craft printable

Letter B Sight Words

Free Printable: Letter B Sight Words

Ideas for printable:
  • Place word and matching picture out when doing an activity that matches the word
  • Color the cards
  • Read the word together and match the word with the picture
  • Point and name the letters on the card
  • Write the letter of the week on each card
  • Write the word on each card

Suggested SongFly, Fly Butterfly (You Tube Video by Muffin Songs)

Find all our Letter of the Week A-Z Series here.

 B is for Butterfly Activities

LETTER OF THE WEEK A-Z SERIES: B is for Butterfly Craft and Activities including a free letter B craft printable


B is for Butterfly Craft

Make a pretty tissue paper butterfly out of the letter B to help introduce the letter while being creative.
LETTER OF THE WEEK A-Z SERIES: B is for Butterfly Craft and Activities including a free letter B craft printable


Free Printable: B for Butterfly Pattern

Objectives: Letter B recognition, creativity

Age Group: Preschool

Craft paper
Tissue paper
Water colors
Paint brush

1.  Cut out the B is for butterfly pattern and trace the pieces onto your craft paper.

2.  Have kiddo cut out the butterfly pieces.

Ms. Tiger always loves using her scissors.

3.  Lay out the pieces to form two letter B’s and glue them together.

4.  Glue tissue paper to the back of the letter B’s.

5.  Paint the tissue paper with the water colors, glue the antennas in place at the top of the letter, and glue the long part of the B’s together to form a butterfly with two wings.


B is for Butterfly Activity

A fun self guided play and learn activity for preschool and tot school.

LETTER OF THE WEEK A-Z SERIES: B is for Butterfly Craft and Activities including a free letter B craft printable

Free Printable: 1-20 Number Mat or Cards

Objectives: Counting, Numbers, Sorting, Sensory Play, Fine Motor Skills

Age Group: Preschool/ Tot School

Bow Tie Pasta (We used multi colored pasta-I couldn’t find the same type on Amazon so you may want to pick up a bag from your grocery store or dye your pasta before the activity)
Small containers
Toilet paper rolls
Fine motor skill tools
Counting mat

1.  Place the supplies on a tray and let the child explore, play, and learn. It’s really as simple as that.

Mr. Tickles (age 1.5) loved putting the butterfly in his toilet paper tube and watching it disappear and reappear when it slid out the bottom. He also loved putting his hand in his bowl of butterflies and stiffing them around because they made a fun sound and felt different on his hand.


He stayed busy using his scoops to put butterflies in small containers, dumping them out, and doing it over again and again. As always, he tried to eat our activity but since it was hard pasta he only tried once and I didn’t worry because it was just dried pasta. I like to try and keep our toddler activities edible.


Ms. Tiger (age 3.5) sorted her butterflies in containers and made them each a little bed to sleep in. After playing for awhile she also put her butterflies on her counting mat and we named the numbers together.


I love watching my kiddos play and learn together!
Before you fly away, we have more butterfly ideas for you!

LETTER OF THE WEEK A-Z SERIES: B is for Butterfly Craft and Activities including a free letter B craft printable

Thanks for joining us today. Follow us on Pinterest for more ideas for learning.


  1. What great ideas to help children learn about the letter B – I have included it in my Kids Co-op Literacy round up

  2. Your butterflies turned out great!

    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

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