Easy Preschool Science Activities

Science Activities are one of the best things to do with preschoolers to keep them engaged in learning. They allow hands on learning while exploring…


Science Activities are one of the best things to do with preschoolers to keep them engaged in learning. They allow hands on learning while exploring their natural curiosity. As part of the Creative Preschoolers team, I am excited to share with you a whole bunch of EASY science activities for you and your preschooler.

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Preschool Science Activities: 


Pop Rock Balloons

Kids will love this sugar rush science experiment with balloons and candy by A Little Pinch of Perfect.


Tornado in a Jar Experiment
Artsy Momma perfected how to make a tornado in a jar. Find out the secrets to make a storm of your own.


Static Electricity Butterfly Experiment
Learn about static electricity while helping the butterfly flap its wings by I Heart Crafty Things.


Superhero Signals with the Scientific Method
Turn off the lights and signal your inner super hero scientist with Handmade Kids Art.


Preschool Science Charts
Transform a nature walk into an opportunity for scientific discovery with Pink Stripey Socks.

More Science Activities shared by the Creative Preschoolers Team: 
Looking for even more science activities? This amazing book is filled with great ideas: 


  1. Science experiments are always a kid favorite. I love your activities — I imagine my older kids would like some of them too!

    Thank you for sharing at the #SHINEbloghop.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. WOW, these look like a ton of fun! My olders love science experiments! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. My favorite is that static electricity butterfly! My kids were awed when I showed them how balloons stuck to walls after being rubbed on their heads. They thought it was magic! I bet they'd play with those butterflies for a long time. Thanks for passing on the great idea!

  4. my son loves science experiments! He was constantly freezing things or hiding items in hidden spots, combining things that shouldn't be lol. Thanks for sharing these fun experiments!

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