J is Juice Craft and Fun Letter Learning Activities with Badanamu

I am excited to have Nicole guest posting from Badanamu today.  Hello! This is Nicole from Badanamu, and I know what you’re thinking: “Bada-what?” Badanamu is simply the name of…

I am excited to have Nicole guest posting from Badanamu today. 

Hello! This is Nicole from Badanamu, and I know what you’re thinking: “Bada-what?” Badanamu is simply the name of a magical land where 6, cute and cuddly friends live. (No, I’m not from a magical land, haha! Badanamu is also the name of our company.) If your little ones watch YouTube at all, you have probably heard them singing along to “Fat Cat Mat” or “Ponytail.” While our YouTube animations are great fun, I’m excited for the chance to show you another side of Badanamu. Today I am going to share fun and creative Badanamu ABC activities with you all.

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Learning the ABCs is a very sensitive first step into the world of literacy. On the one hand you want to be sure that your children get off to a productive and efficient start. And on the other hand you REALLY want children to feel learning is fun.

Today I’m sharing how I keep my children excited about learning ABCs with Badanamu. First things first. I have some friends I want you to meet! Say hello to the Nemies!

ABC Nemies

Nemies are cute and silly characters. Each one embodies a letter sound, shape, and keyword. Remember we used to say “A is for apple?” Well, now A is apple. Let me tell you, these little Nemies are great for associative learning. Suddenly an abstract and foreign concept like an alphabet character has real meaning to the world of a child: n-n-night, k-k-kangaroo, e-e-elephant, even a m-m-monster—don’t worry; it’s adorable. I would love to tell you about all the Nemies, but today we will focus on the Nemie J. Don’t be too sad. You can always meet them all on Badanamu YouTube channel. There is a whole series from A to Z.

Here’s how I use the Nemies in my lessons:

1. Sing an ABC song

There are two alphabet songs you can choose in Badanamu. “Sing the Alphabet” or “ABC Sounds to Remember.” By singing together, we get in the mood for playful learning.Click on the pictures below to watch on YouTube.



2. Watch a Meet the Nemie Animation

I introduce my letter of the week, this case J, by simply playing a “Meet the Nemie” video on YouTube.

3. Talk about the Nemie

I ask questions like “What does J Nemie look like?” “What sound does J Nemie make?” “Can you make the same sound?” “Can you act like the J Nemie?” By asking these questions, you encourage children to observe carefully the letter J. It’s a great way to get kids up and moving, too.

4. Practice Writing the Letter

I download “J is Juice” craft and print it out before the lesson. First kids trace the letter J on letter card. Then they cut, fold, and glue the pieces together. When they finish all letters A to Z, they’ll have a collection of all the letters they’ve learned.

5. Last but Not Least! Make J is Juice Craft

Tada! We now have j-j-juice! Every time I teach the letter J, I get all kinds of crazy juice flavors. Some kids color orange and red. And some kids color rainbow. I wonder how that tastes like…

I really like this method because kids don’t just learn what the letter J looks like. They sing about J. They talk about J. They make silly J sounds and act like J. Finally, they make a J. The discover J.

Thanks to Badanamu’s materials, I’ve been able to keep my energetic, 5-year-old kids happy and engaged during my lessons. The best part is Badanamu is offering all these great materials for free on their website. http://www.badanamu.com/meet-the-nemies-crafts/ They’ve got other great songs, activities, and even applications, which are all designed to make learning playful and engaging. You can tryout the Badanamu Alphabet Talk and Trace application here: iOS / Android

I would like to thank Katie for kindly inviting me to write a guest post. It was my great pleasure to share these fun learning resources with you all. I hope Katie’s little kiddos and your children have wonderful time learning with Badanamu!

Connect with Badanamu and stay tuned with our updates on learning songs, activities, and applications!


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